Diagnosis to treatment plan: a restorative service

Reinvigorate, reignite, revive.

The sketchbook service:

Putting the spark back in your brand.

All businesses are built on branding. Without it, a company doesn’t exist. Things can feel off when your branding is not working as it should in your business. This off-balance niggle starts to impact the day-to-day operation of your business, and you get the nagging feeling that something’s not right.

Symptoms include:

  • working with the wrong clients

  • not liking the current look/feel for your brand

  • wanting to move your business to the next level but not knowing how

  • losing sight of your brand’s purpose or why you started the brand in the first place.

When you’re in this position and think it’s time for a brand refresh or pivot, a second pair of eyes (and brain) can be invaluable.

Working through a Brand Consultancy/mentoring type service, I’ll review your entire brand and work up a list of fixes so we can get you repositioned, recharged, and back to doing what you do best quickly.

This eye-opening experience will bring you clarity and a way to move your brand confidently forward, together with an action plan and support to make it happen.

What’s Included:

Initial consultation to discuss your brand and the aims of this service. I want to understand your goals or vision for your brand so that I can use this as a benchmark during my audit.

A Brand ‘MOT’ from head to toe. I’ll review your brand across all the touch points, including your branding, marketing channels and platforms, and all content and copy. I’ll even review your marketing strategy to ensure that it aligns with your brand goals.

  • I’ll check to see whether your brand matches what you describe in our initial consultation, from the way it sounds and tells stories to the visual identity and overall personality. I’ll also review whether your brand is engaging your audience, whether your messaging is on point, and what areas may be holding your brand back from its potential.

A full report that identifies critical areas that need attention, together with a plan outlining how you can fix the problem areas so that you can move forward.

A series of follow-up call(s) or in-person meetings to chat and review the full report. Working side by side, we’ll take each point on the report in turn, appraising and discussing its contents to ensure you have the clarity and confidence you need to reinvigorate your brand.

Investment priced at £3500

Available as online session(s) via Zoom or in-person with Becky, The Brand Artisan, at a location of your choice (*travel may apply).

Yes! This is exactly what I need.

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Signs this service is for you:

You find yourself:

  • attracting the wrong clients who don’t always see the value in your offering

  • not being inconsistent with your marketing. Once a month is good right?

  • using every palette in Canva in your social media posts as you feel like it

  • wondering what your brand purpose is or you’ve lost sight of why you started in the first place

  • feeling disconnected from your marketplace, niche, or industry

  • not liking your brand (it can be as simple as that)

These are very common, fixable branding problems that can all be fixed.

How I work:

I work differently. I only work with one client at a time on a one-on-one basis. I don’t juggle projects, so I work dedicated to your project, whatever it may be. This means a devoted approach, faster turnaround times, and never missing any detail, no matter how small. My focus is entirely yours. Always.

Bringing brands to life:

I work on a variety of projects across various industries. View my portfolio for a glimpse of past projects, large and small.

Not ready for this brand experience yet?

Learn what it takes to create a standout brand through my bite-sized courses.