Multi-passionate & multi-faceted

The multi-passionate entrepreneur’s pin up.
— Gill Moakes, Business Coach

Like you, I have so many dreams, goals, and things I want to accomplish, that the only way to achieve them is to do them all.

Born with a pen in my hand and business in my blood, I have many of my own projects on the go, in addition to being The Brand Artisan. It helps to keep that entrepreneurial flame alive and the passion for ideas flowing.

I run a craft business with my daughter (Field & Stone) and a community art project for founders (Postcards from a Founder). I'm also a writer and published author, always having a book on the go and dreaming up some new world.

Published Books

Santa’s Spitfire Christmas

A magical tale set one Christmas Eve, when all of Santa's reindeer caught colds and couldn't deliver any more presents, putting Christmas at risk for all the good girls and boys. Luckily, a plane everyone knows is on hand to save the day.

Told in rhyme and featuring over 20 hand-drawn illustrations, this is the perfect gift for a kid at Christmas. Hardback 33 pages. Available at good book stores, including: